Thursday, 19 March 2015


Diverse learning methods. Method of students and student learning are different from each other . However , the method of learning they have the same goal. Therefore, the method of learning of each student and the student is unique.

National education basically aims to achieve national learning outlined in the national education curriculum, which reads:
"National Education serves to develop the ability and intellectual life of the nation is aimed at developing students' potentials to become a man of faith and fear of God Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, skilled, creative, and independent, become citizens of a democratic and responsible. "Law on National No. 20 2003 ".

To promote the life of a nation and the State in accordance with the objectives that have been formulated, it occurred inside the education process or the learning process and provide an understanding of the views and adjustments for someone ataui educated students towards maturity and adulthood. This process will take effect on mental development and potential learners towards a more dynamic kind of talent or experience, moral, intellectual, and physical, (physical).

Today that became the talk of the problem is the quality of education students' learning achievement in a particular field of science. Recognizing this, the government together with education experts strive to further improve the quality of education. Discussion of educational efforts have been carried out by the government, including through seminars, workshops, and training in the subject matter as well as the determination of learning methods for specific subject areas eg Science, Mathematics, Indonesian, and others. Indonesia has been a lot done to improve the quality of education, particularly the Indonesian education in schools, but not show satisfactory results, both the purpose and the process of learning and achievement of the results of his study.

One language skills are increasingly important role in entering the 21st century is read. With the rapid advancement of technology in the field of print media, thousands or even hundreds of thousands of titles / topics of various fields of knowledge are published every day. Only by having the reading skills of efficient and effective across a range of useful information can be understood easily.

There are many methods of learning. One method of learning that objectively considered good is learning method S Q 3R . S means the survey, which makes observations on the material to be learned. Q means the question , which asked questions on the material to be learned . It often also Inquire called , is investigating the ins and outs of the material to be learned . R1 means reading, ie actively read over the material to be studied , the method reading to learn and read critically .
R2 means repetition that is repeated things already learned .
R3 means the reviews are revisiting the things that have been learned .

S = Survey = Viewing
Observation is seeing material before studied. The purpose of observation is to get a comprehensive picture on the material to be learned. Materials may include lecture notes, textbook, or textbooks required. When we learned lecture notes, we make observations by doing the following:
a. We consider the topic or subject matter. Usually the subject of the title of the record.
b. We read one by one the main ideas covered in the subject. For example, we study the management, the basic idea can consist of: 1) Definition of management; 2) The level and type of management 3) The functions performed by the manager 4) Managerial Skills 5) The approach in the management and 6) conclusions.
c. We read idea of each of the key ideas. Back to the example of studying management, further division of the basic idea 3.): on the functions performed by managers include: planning, organizing, arranging power, led the course of work, supervise the implementation of the work.
d. We check the terms or critical understanding. For example, re-sample study of management, at the time of reading the main idea 2) on the level and kinds of managers, we find terms such as top managers, middle managers, the low-level managers, functional managers, general manager.
e. We observe schematic, diagram there. For example, the area or areas of leadership and management of work management implementation. In studying a chapter of a textbook or textbooks shall need:
f. We read and remember the title or chapter from the dictates of the required textbook.
g. We read the first paragraph in the chapter because in the first paragraph that described the purpose of writing the chapter and its contents.
h. We read-subtitle subtitle because the textbook or textbooks, the subtitle is the central idea that together form the overall content of the chapter.
i. We note the word, term, or important formulation is usually in the book in italics, bold, loose, or colored.
j. We note schemes, diagrams, statistics, figures, data is important.
k. We read the last paragraph or conclusions. There are usually delivered again the main ideas in the chapter along with the implications and the direction of his thinking.
l. If there is, we read the questions at the end of the chapter.

As already mentioned above observation purposes either in a notebook, textbook or textbooks required is to obtain a comprehensive picture of the materials studied. By making observations on the one hand, we get direction, confidence and concentrate on learning time. On the other hand, because we know the material as a whole we can organize our learning rhythm and relieve tension or stress load in the study.